Spiritual Healing
This week, I had the most profound healing experience I’ve ever had, a
combination of Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique aka QHHT and
Before Quantum Healing (BQH); yup really snappy titles! This is the
unique Spiritual Healing offer from Ms Susie George.
Complete Healing
Believe me, when I tell you that is quite a feat because I’ve tried and
tested many. Complete healing involves work in the spiritual realm as
well as the emotional and physical. The absolute bonus of the spiritual
healing is that it is happens at the speed of light!
Re-occurring Injury
I fell over and sprained my ankle very badly four days ago, for the third
time this year, sober and really for no good reason. This is frustrating on
all the levels you can imagine, it hammers my mental health because it
slows me down and stops me taking my daily nature baths.
Yes, I am a healer myself, however there are three types of healer;
physical, emotional and spiritual. I am blessed with physical body
healing skills, which I am using to heal the earthly result of my accident.
I am not gifted with spiritual healing skills, which to be honest I hadn’t
even considered for this ailment. My repetitive accident felt very earth
bound. But one of my fellow healers, saw it very differently
and recommended I try the QHHT and BQH skills of one of her friends
and my client, Susie; it’s a small world after all.
QHHT Timings
Susie explained it would take around four to six hours, and would
involve a couple of hours of working out all of my energy blocks, a bit of
time to make a plan of what she needed to clear and then up to an hour
of actual healing and some water alchemy.
Surely I’ve Faced Everything?
I was dismissive that I would need that long to pull out all my shadows,
with over thirty years experience of all manner of therapies, I felt I knew
and had worked on all my demons. I certainly couldn’t fathom how they
could relate to my poorly ankle in the present. And, the idea of
engaging with anyone for that many hours straight over Zoom was
hideous, I hate sitting still, it’s actually a physical impossibility for hEDS
me, and online burn out loomed!
But, those are the terms and I wanted to try this healing so I had to go
with the flow and try my best to surrender! I recommend, when you try
this, you make sure you clear your diary for the rest of the day. It’s
beyond deep and you will want and need time to absorb, process and
Powerful Shadows
Once she started, it quickly became apparent that although I knew and
had worked upon all my shadows, they still had me firmly in their
energetic vices. Clearly, because I keep falling over, repetitive accidents
are a clear sign of the need for some internal work.
Soul Contracts
If you try to bury negative emotions, which is easily done when your just
grateful you’ve survived and don’t want to spend any more time looking
into the horror you’ve just lived through. Revisiting can be perceived as
too painful, too ominous, too culpable and completely avoidable. But
that’s the rub, it’s really not, you can’t escape the hauntings or the
physical bites in the arse. Especially when it’s part of your Soul Contract,
growth you’ve committed to making before you were born!
Some of the Signs
Generally, the messages come in gently to start with, perhaps through
coincidence, conversations on the radio/TV/Social media, discovering
common ground with people. If you don’t pay attention and listen, they
get ramped up. You may start to experience insomnia, as in waking in
the night and not being able to get back to sleep; a clear sign your brain
is trying to process. Avoiding this can lead into nightmares, headaches
etc. This then steps up further into physical dis-eases and finally, goes
full throttle into accidents or fatal disease.
Ultimate Purpose
Your Soul will find a way to make you remember your contractual
obligations, if you fail to meet them you just have to repeat over and
over until you do. It’s onerous more than anything!
Rapid Results
The talking therapy part of this treatment is beyond intense, she
uncovers all your shadows quickly and cleanly because she is working
with your guides and hers. She divines your truths easily and there really
is no place to hide them. She likens it to flying through your house at
100mph flicking all the doors open. 45 years of living summed up in 3
Finding Your Phoenix
By the end of it you have been broken into thousands of tiny pieces, just
like the Tower Card in Tarot, because only then can you truly transform.
Think Phoenix rising from the ashes!
Nothing to be Scared of
Yes, it sounds brutal, facing pain always is, but better this than an
endless drip of pain goes on for years. And, she holds you safely all the
way, it’s not scary, it’s just deep, honest and very releasing.
Plan of Action
Once she’s pulled out all your goo, she creates a list of all she is going
to heal, which you go through together to make sure it’s all there. The
guides help her to know if something else is still lurking in the shadows.
Water Alchemy
She then asks you to get a glass of water, which she gets you to cover
with your palm and visual and incant all your healing desires into too.
She simultaneously channels her magic into it too. You then drink this
magical elixir, lie down some place safe, comfortable and relax .
Cloud 9
Then the healing begins, this is the hypnosis part. She has a couple of
ways to get you into the spirit realm, the first didn’t work on me, which
we’d already been told but things can get lost after 3 hours of intense
work! I had to metaphysically climb onto a cloud and float up into the
spirit realm to meet my angels and guides, there were some lovely
surprises; makes me tear up in remembered gratitude.
Akashi Records
Once there, Susie tapped into my relevant past lives by accessing my
Akashi records, and of course I recognised every one of them. She
found my ankle injury in a few of my past lives, the main one being that
of a ballet dancer who broke her ankle when her career was just taking
off and through despair killed herself; I’ve always felt I longings to be a
Past Lives Regression
She divined which lives had carried forth the wrongs that needed
addressing in this life, it was beyond my wildest expectations to get this
information and invaluable understandings. I’ve always been curious
about my past lives, have you been curious about yours?
My Guides
She invited my angels and guides to step forward and assist her to heal
me, which they gladly did. I was deeply touched and grateful to see my
Dad, who seems to be making up for everything he didn’t do for me in
this lifetime, in the spirit realm; thank you Dad from the bottom of my
Relationship Healing
I got to say a proper goodbye to my favourite grandparent. And, I got
lots of healing on my ankle from a grandmother I believed didn’t like me
let alone love me; another relationship healed.
Past Lives
The most interesting validation was realising that all the memories I’d
had of past lives were true. And, how could this stranger know what
they were!?!
Light Language
She spoke and sang, on and off, through out the entire healing process
in the beautiful language of light. It was timeless, ancient, resonating
and deeply moving.
Ancient Experience
This experience did not feel like we were online, with me lying on my
sofa in North Chailey, we were ancient, outside by the tribal fire, it was
Corporeal Experience
My body shook, trembled, went hot, cold, tingly, numb. I cried, I thought
I would vomit, I was on a totally different plane. But, equally present,
and felt safe through out.
I do feel different, lighter and freer to be my true self, a lot, if not all, of
what was holding me back is gone. My ankle is still recovering but I am
at peace with it and intuit this will be the last time. My guides told Susie
it would take the next 30 days for my body to heal. And, really that just
feels like a massive bonus compared to what I’ve experienced.
Claire, is a Psychic Intuitive, qualified in Aromatherapist, Medical Astrology, Herbs,
Nutritional Therapy and Counselling based in East Sussex.
She gives Bespoke Wellbeing Consultations to divine where you are out of balance
and use a combination of aromatherapy, indigenous herbs and nutritional therapy
treatments to recalibrate your system.
For those seeking independence in their health and wellbeing, she run a series of
workshops designed to give you that. Starting with your physical body and taking you
through to your spiritual self.